Mech DAMP Blog

Category minors

Quantitative Finance (with SI or DS Minor)

General Recommendations: There are quite a few interesting courses offered by the Mathematics Department under the SI label. However, SI courses have very strict prerequisites, hence you’ll have to start...

Physics Minor

General Recommendations: This minor can cater to diverse sets of interests ranging from quantum mechanics to solid-state physics to astrophysics to relativity. You need to do 5 courses of 6...

Overambitious DS Minor

For those who may wish to complete their DS minor in 3 semesters to allow them to explore any other fields towards the later half of their degree.

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

IEOR (with IEOR Minor)

General Recommendations: IEOR courses teach you how to tackle real-world problems using math, data, and logic. You’ll learn cool stuff like optimizing schedules, designing supply chains, and making processes faster...

Healthcare Informatics (with DH Minor)

General Recommendations: For the DH minor only the DH 302 (Introduction to Public Health Informatics) is compulsory. The courses are divided into three categories Group 1 (general BB, DH, ME),...

Enterpreneurship (with ENT Minor)

General Recommendations: If you are fascinated by start-ups and plan to work on a venture of your own or if you want to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur,...

Data Science/ Analytics (with DS Minor)

General Recommendations: This course plan is for those who would like to explore data science, analytics or machine learning as a tool in any other field, but don’t wish to...

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

Chill DS Minor

For those who want to take up courses with relatively good grading and don’t have any serious plans to pursue data science as a career but rather to understand what...

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (with BB Minor)

General Recommendations: Depending on your interests in the anatomy side versus the statistics and informatics side of computational biology, you can choose between the Digital Health and Biology minors. Nevertheless,...

IE630 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis

Instructor Jayendran Venkateswaran

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

DE 250 - Design Thinking for Innovation

Instructor Prof. Nishant Sharma

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni


Reviews by- Saukhya Telge, Shiva Sudhan, Disha Gupta, Akanksha Singh

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

MG405 - Project Management

Instructor Gajendra K. Adil

MG403 - Accounting and Finance

Instructor Varad Bapat and Rohan Chinchwadkar

MG401 - Marketing Management

Instructor Arti Kalro, Dinesh Sharma

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS448 - Professional Ethics

Instructor Prof. Vikram Singh Sirola

HS408 - Shakespearean Afterlives

Instructor Prof. Sudha Shastri

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

ENT208 - Technology Venture Creation

Instructor Prof Rajen Jaswa

ENT205 - Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Milind D Atrey, R R Hirwani

ENT204 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

ENT201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor Anand T Kusre(Course Instructor), Milind D Atrey, Rajen Jaswa

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

DS303 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Biplab Banerjee

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

DE414 - Innovation by Design

Instructor Battula K Chakravarthy

CS753 - Automatic Speech Recognition

Instructor Prof Preethi Jyothi

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Preethi Jyothi

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS228 - Logic for Computer Science

Instructor Prof. Krishna S.

CS224 - Computer Networks

Instructor Varsha Apte

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

BB415 - Cell and Molecular Biology

Instructor Swati Patankar

BB404 - Metabolism and Bioenergetics

Instructor Ashutosh Kumar

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

Management Minor?

Review by: Dhvaneel Visaria and Anumay Ashish

Elec Minor?

Review by: Aniruddha Ranade

CS Minor?

Review by: Sumanth Kandala

Aero Minor?

Review by: Shantanu Thada

Category insti electives

Quantitative Finance (with SI or DS Minor)

General Recommendations: There are quite a few interesting courses offered by the Mathematics Department under the SI label. However, SI courses have very strict prerequisites, hence you’ll have to start...

Physics Minor

General Recommendations: This minor can cater to diverse sets of interests ranging from quantum mechanics to solid-state physics to astrophysics to relativity. You need to do 5 courses of 6...

Overambitious DS Minor

For those who may wish to complete their DS minor in 3 semesters to allow them to explore any other fields towards the later half of their degree.

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

IEOR (with IEOR Minor)

General Recommendations: IEOR courses teach you how to tackle real-world problems using math, data, and logic. You’ll learn cool stuff like optimizing schedules, designing supply chains, and making processes faster...

Healthcare Informatics (with DH Minor)

General Recommendations: For the DH minor only the DH 302 (Introduction to Public Health Informatics) is compulsory. The courses are divided into three categories Group 1 (general BB, DH, ME),...

Enterpreneurship (with ENT Minor)

General Recommendations: If you are fascinated by start-ups and plan to work on a venture of your own or if you want to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur,...

Data Science/ Analytics (with DS Minor)

General Recommendations: This course plan is for those who would like to explore data science, analytics or machine learning as a tool in any other field, but don’t wish to...

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

The Chill Track (without a minor)

General Recommendations: Looking to complete electives (2 Stem + 2 DE + 2 Hasmed + 5 Open) with minimum effort? Agnostic towards the course content? Looking for courses with chill...

Chill DS Minor

For those who want to take up courses with relatively good grading and don’t have any serious plans to pursue data science as a career but rather to understand what...

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (with BB Minor)

General Recommendations: Depending on your interests in the anatomy side versus the statistics and informatics side of computational biology, you can choose between the Digital Health and Biology minors. Nevertheless,...

IE630 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis

Instructor Jayendran Venkateswaran

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

DE 250 - Design Thinking for Innovation

Instructor Prof. Nishant Sharma

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni

CL603 - Optimization

Instructor Santosh Noronha

AE248 - AI and Data Science

Instructor Prabhu Ramachandran

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS448 - Professional Ethics

Instructor Prof. Vikram Singh Sirola

HS408 - Shakespearean Afterlives

Instructor Prof. Sudha Shastri

HS402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis

Instructor Saptarshi Ghosh

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Profs. Sharmistha Saha, Sharmila, Suddhaseel Sen

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

ENT208 - Technology Venture Creation

Instructor Prof Rajen Jaswa

ENT205 - Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Milind D Atrey, R R Hirwani

ENT204 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

ENT201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor Anand T Kusre(Course Instructor), Milind D Atrey, Rajen Jaswa

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

DS303 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Biplab Banerjee

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

DE414 - Innovation by Design

Instructor Battula K Chakravarthy

CS753 - Automatic Speech Recognition

Instructor Prof Preethi Jyothi

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Preethi Jyothi

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

CE324 - Engineering Law

Instructor Milind Wankhede

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

PS 604 - Technology, Culture and Policy

Instructor: Prof Anurag Mehra

PS 301 - Policy Related Supervised Learning

Instructor: Guide: Prof Jayendran V. , Instructor/Evaluator: Prof Shishir Jha

GNR 652 - Machine Learning for Remote Sensing - I

Instructor: Prof Biplab Banarjee

GNR 631 - Rural Informatics

Instructor: Prof. J. Adinarayana

EN 653 - Energy Policy Analysis

Instructor: Prof Rangan Banerjee

EE 720 - Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptography

Instructor: Prof Saravanan Vijaykumaran

DE403 - Pottery

Instructor: Prof Raja Mohanty

CS663 - Digital Image Processing

Instructor Prof Suyash Awate / Ajit Rajwade

Category dept electives

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

CL603 - Optimization

Instructor Santosh Noronha

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

ME781 - Engineering Data Mining

Instructor Asim Tewari

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Abhilash Chandy

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME477 - Introduction to Optimization

Instructor Avinash Bharadwaj

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

EN613 - Nuclear Reactor Theory

Instructor Suneet Singh

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

ME781 - Engineering Data Mining and Applications

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni and Prof. Asim Tewari

ME724 - Essentials of Turbulence

Instructor Prof. Abhilash Chandy

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Avishek Ranjan

ME6112 - Acoustics and Hearing

Instructor Prof. Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME 6106 - Computational Structural Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Salil S. Kulkarni

ME6102 - Design of Mechatronic Systems

Instructor Prasanna S. Gandhi

ME472 - Non-Linear dynamics & Chaos

Instructor Prof. Dnyanesh Pawaskar

ME445 - Fuels and Combustion

Instructor Arindrajit Chowdhury and Neeraj Kumbhkarna

ME415 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Kannan Iyer

IE502: Probabilistic Models

Instructor K.S. Mallikarjuna Rao

Category Core

Jaguar Intern

Credits - Priyanth Elango, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prof. Tanmay Bhandarkar

Purdue Research Intern

I am Debanjali Chatterjee, a final year undergraduate (B.Tech). In my third year summers I interned at Purdue University as part of the Purdue Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) program. This...

Category Intern

Suntory Pvt. Ltd. (1 week internship program)

How You Applied: The opportunity came through a webmail announcement rather than the placement portal. Applicants were required to fill out a form detailing their interest, resume, CPI, and motivation...

PnG spotlight

By: Siddhant Gada

Overview of Pre-Internship Offer (PIO) Opportunities

Pre-Internship Offers (PIOs) are a unique pathway for students to secure internships through targeted programs designed by top companies. These programs assess a student’s skills, performance, and alignment with the...

Manch by Deutsche Bank

By: Harshini Shreeram

Barclays women in markets

By: Isha Laddha

Bain True North Scholarship for Women

I am Arya Jha, one of the recipients of the Bain True North Scholarship this year. Talking about the programme, the selection process began with an application stage around April,...

Deutsche Bank Intern

Credits - Mudit Sethia, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Sony Intern

Credits - Shivesh Gupta, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

ITC Intern

Credits - Satyam Mishra, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Jaguar Intern

Credits - Priyanth Elango, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Kenvue Intern

Credits - Chaitanya Katti, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Barclays Intern

Credits - Ashita Sharma, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

P&G Intern

Credits - Disha Pandey, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Adobe Intern

Credits - Gaurav Mishra, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2024

WhiteOak Capital Intern

Credits - Aum Samel, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2024

NRI Intern

Credits - Arushi Srivastava, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Bain Intern

Credits - Dhritiman Sriram, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Purdue Research Intern

I am Debanjali Chatterjee, a final year undergraduate (B.Tech). In my third year summers I interned at Purdue University as part of the Purdue Undergraduate Research Experience (PURE) program. This...

Category core courses

ME663 - Advanced Heat Transfer

Instructor Arunkumar Sridharan

ME662 - Convective Heat & Mass Transfer

Instructor Avishek Ranjan

ME661 - Advanced Thermodynamics

Instructor Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Rajneesh Bhardwaj

ME230 - Mechanical Processing of Materials

Instructor Sohum Majumdar

HS207 - Social Psychology

Instructor Prof Mrinmoyi Kulkarni

DE410 - Perspectives on World Cinema

Instructor Prof Mazhar Kamran

CM801 - Introduction to Risk Analysis

Instructor Prof. Subhankar Karnmakar (a very very nice professor - best giveaway for the course!)

CS218 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Paritosh Pandya

US607 - Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems

Instructor Prof. Pradip P Kalbar

SC701 - Physics and Control

Instructor Navin Khaneja

SC625 - Systems Theory

Instructor Vivek Natarajan

PH251 - Classical Mechanics

Instructor Archana Pai

MM685 - Electrical and Magnetic Materials

Instructor Tanushree Chaudhury

MM656 - Simulation and Optimisation

Instructor Sumit Saxena

MM447 - Materials for Sustainable Development

Instructor Prof. Satish Vitta

MG406 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Rahul Patil

ME791 - Acoustic Devices

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME769 - Combustion in Automobile and Gas Turbine Engines

Instructor Prof. Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME743 - Optical Methods in Mechanical Engineering

Instructor Prof. Atul Srivastava

ME710 - Vibrations Engineering

Instructor V. Kartik

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME673 - Mathematical Methods in Engineering

Instructor Shyamprasad Karagadde

ME669 - Design for Manufacturing

Instructor Amitava De

ME663 - Advanced Heat Transfer

Instructor Sridhar Balasubramaniam

ME661 - Advanced Thermodynamics & Combustion

Instructor Sandip Kumar Saha

ME637 - Manufacturing Automation

Instructor Prof. Karunakaran

ME601 - Stress Analysis

Instructor Prof. Tanmay Bhandarkar

ME460 - Solid State Joining

Instructor Prof. Amber Shrivastava

ME360 - Power Plant Engineering

Instructor Prof. Upendra Bhandarkar

MA556 - Differential Geometry

Instructor Prof. Swapneel Mahajan

MA419 - Basic Algebra

Instructor Rekha Santhanam

MA406 - General Topology

Instructor Sandip Singh

MA403 - Real Analysis

Instructor Sanjoy Pusti

IE683 - Topics in Learning Algorithms

Instructor Nandyala Hemachandra

IE630 - Simulation Modeling and Analysis

Instructor Prof Veeraruna Kavitha (premidsem), Prof J. Venkateswaran (postmidsem)

IE616 - Decision Analysis and Game Theory

Instructor Prof. K. S. Mallikarjuna Rao

IE609 - Mathematical Optimisation Techniques

Instructor Ashutosh Mahajan

IE605 - Engineering Statistics

Instructor Prof. MK Hanawal

IE503 - Operations Analysis

Instructor Narayan Rangaraj

HS634 - Theories of Verbal Cognition

Instructor Kulkarni A Malhar

HS489 - State, Polity and Society

Instructor Anush Kapadia

HS466 - Introduction to Linguistics

Instructor Prof. Vaijayanthi Sarma

HS450 - Hindustani Classical Music Appreciation

Instructor Prof. Suddhaseel Sen

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Paulomi Chakraborty, Shastri Sudha, Ratheesh R.

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Rashmi Gupta

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Mrinmoyi Kulkarni

ET607 - Educational Game Design

Instructor Prof. M. Sasikumar

ENT609 - Marketing and Finance for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Prof Devdip Purkayastha, Prof Rohan Chinchwadkar

ENT606 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

EN648 - Combustion Engineering

Instructor Prof. Asish Sarangi

EN642 - Power Generation and Systems Planning

Instructor Prof. Bandyopadhyay Santanu, Prof. Suneet Singh

EN610 - Hydrogen Energy

Instructor Prof Pratibha Sharma

EN607 - Energy Management

Instructor Prof S. Srinivas

EN411 - Physics for Energy Science

Instructor Karthik Sasihithlu

EE782 - Advanced Topics in Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Amit Sethi

EE769 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Amit Sethi

EE725 - Computational Electromagnetics

Instructor Kulkarni S V

EE679 - Speech Processing

Instructor Preeti Rao

EE636 - Matrix Computations

Instructor Debasattam Pal

EE621 - Markov Chains and Queuing Systems

Instructor Jayakrishnan Nair

EE321 - Power Electronics

Instructor Prof. Sandeep Anand

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Ganesh Ramakrishnan

DE309 - Design for Interactive Media

Instructor Prof. Anirudha Joshi

CS772 - Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing

Instructor Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya

CS768 - Learning with Graphs

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS689 - Machine Learning: Theory and Methods

Instructor Prof. Harish Guruprasad Ramaswamy

CS416 - Computer and Network Security

Instructor G Sivakumar

CM803 - Introduction to Climate Change

Instructor Prof. Chandra Venkataraman, Prof. Pradip Kalbar, Prof. Trupti Mishra

CM802 - Atmosphere and Climate Change

Instructor Prof. Chandra Venkataraman, Prof. Y.S. Mayya

CL444 - Safety in Chemical Industry

Instructor Sandip Roy, Rahul Nabar

AE759 - Systems Engineering Principles

Instructor Hemendra Arya

AE153 - Introduction to Aerospace Engg.

Instructor Prof. Rajkumar S. Pant (R. K. Pant)

ME423 - Machine Design

Instructor Shantanu Tripathi

ME423 - Machine Design

Instructor Ramesh Singh

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor S.V. Prabhu

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Prof Neeraj Kumbhkarna

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Sarmistha Pattanaik

HS101 - Economics

Instructor Tara Shankar Shaw,Puja Padhi

CE102 - Engineering Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Mandar M. Inamdar

MM207 - Engineering Metallurgy

Instructor Prof. Parag Bhargava

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Alankar Alankar

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Arunkumar Sridharan

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Milind Rane

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Amit Agrawal

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Prof Parag Tandaiya (till midsem, because of a medical issue) & Prof Tanmay K. Bhandakkar (after midsem)

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Krishna Jonnalagadda

HS101 - Economics

Instructor Prof. K. Narayanan (Microeconomics), Prof. Aditi Chaubal (Macroeconomics)

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Prof. Atul Srivastava

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes I

Instructor Shyamprasad Karagadde, Sushil Mishra and A. Alankar

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Dnyanesh Pawaskar

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Prof. Krishna S. Jonnalagadda

MA214 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

Instructor Prof. S. Baskar

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Prof. U. N. Gaitonde

Category Third Year

Dual Degree and IDDDP Specialization and Conversion Session (2023)

The session was taken by Shashank Inamdar (TFE), Atharva Deshpande (CIM) and Vidyut Balaji (CADA). They discussed their reasons and motivations to choose their particular specialization as well as converting...

Dual Degree Specialization Session (2021)

The session was taken by Aniruddha Ranade​ (CADA), Prathik Reddy (CADA), Shantanu Thada​ (TFE), Athul Nambolan​ (CIM), Naman Agarwal​ (CIM)​. The seniors talked about the factors they considered while opting...

Where are they now?

Anish Ram Senathi 2019, RnD Engineer, Robotics and AI, Daikin Industries Ltd. He graduated last year and was interested in robotics and ML during his stay in IIT B. Some...

Intern Fundae - Core

The speakers for the session were: Aayush Agrawal - University of Toronto (MITACS) Pruthak Joshi - Lear Corporation Raj Lakhani - Lear Corporation Ujjwal Agarwal - Daikin Industries Ltd.

Dual Degree Conversion Session (2020)

The session was taken by Shantanu Thada (TFE), Aniruddha Ranade (CADA), and Anant Joshi (IDDDP in SysCon). The seniors talked about the points they considered while opting for DD conversion....

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Prof. U. N. Gaitonde

Category Second Year

Dual Degree and IDDDP Specialization and Conversion Session (2023)

The session was taken by Shashank Inamdar (TFE), Atharva Deshpande (CIM) and Vidyut Balaji (CADA). They discussed their reasons and motivations to choose their particular specialization as well as converting...

Dual Degree Specialization Session (2021)

The session was taken by Aniruddha Ranade​ (CADA), Prathik Reddy (CADA), Shantanu Thada​ (TFE), Athul Nambolan​ (CIM), Naman Agarwal​ (CIM)​. The seniors talked about the factors they considered while opting...

Where are they now?

Anish Ram Senathi 2019, RnD Engineer, Robotics and AI, Daikin Industries Ltd. He graduated last year and was interested in robotics and ML during his stay in IIT B. Some...

Intern Fundae - Core

The speakers for the session were: Aayush Agrawal - University of Toronto (MITACS) Pruthak Joshi - Lear Corporation Raj Lakhani - Lear Corporation Ujjwal Agarwal - Daikin Industries Ltd.

Dual Degree Conversion Session (2020)

The session was taken by Shantanu Thada (TFE), Aniruddha Ranade (CADA), and Anant Joshi (IDDDP in SysCon). The seniors talked about the points they considered while opting for DD conversion....

MM207 - Engineering Metallurgy

Instructor Prof. Parag Bhargava

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Alankar Alankar

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bhardwaj

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Arunkumar Sridharan

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Milind Rane

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Amit Agrawal

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Prof Parag Tandaiya (till midsem, because of a medical issue) & Prof Tanmay K. Bhandakkar (after midsem)

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Krishna Jonnalagadda

HS101 - Economics

Instructor Prof. K. Narayanan (Microeconomics), Prof. Aditi Chaubal (Macroeconomics)

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Prof. Atul Srivastava

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes I

Instructor Shyamprasad Karagadde, Sushil Mishra and A. Alankar

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Dnyanesh Pawaskar

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Prof. Krishna S. Jonnalagadda

MA214 - Introduction to Numerical Analysis

Instructor Prof. S. Baskar

Category sessions

Dual Degree and IDDDP Specialization and Conversion Session (2023)

The session was taken by Shashank Inamdar (TFE), Atharva Deshpande (CIM) and Vidyut Balaji (CADA). They discussed their reasons and motivations to choose their particular specialization as well as converting...

Dual Degree Specialization Session (2021)

The session was taken by Aniruddha Ranade​ (CADA), Prathik Reddy (CADA), Shantanu Thada​ (TFE), Athul Nambolan​ (CIM), Naman Agarwal​ (CIM)​. The seniors talked about the factors they considered while opting...

Where are they now?

Anish Ram Senathi 2019, RnD Engineer, Robotics and AI, Daikin Industries Ltd. He graduated last year and was interested in robotics and ML during his stay in IIT B. Some...

Intern Fundae - Core

The speakers for the session were: Aayush Agrawal - University of Toronto (MITACS) Pruthak Joshi - Lear Corporation Raj Lakhani - Lear Corporation Ujjwal Agarwal - Daikin Industries Ltd.

Dual Degree Conversion Session (2020)

The session was taken by Shantanu Thada (TFE), Aniruddha Ranade (CADA), and Anant Joshi (IDDDP in SysCon). The seniors talked about the points they considered while opting for DD conversion....

Category First Year

Dual Degree and IDDDP Specialization and Conversion Session (2023)

The session was taken by Shashank Inamdar (TFE), Atharva Deshpande (CIM) and Vidyut Balaji (CADA). They discussed their reasons and motivations to choose their particular specialization as well as converting...

Dual Degree Specialization Session (2021)

The session was taken by Aniruddha Ranade​ (CADA), Prathik Reddy (CADA), Shantanu Thada​ (TFE), Athul Nambolan​ (CIM), Naman Agarwal​ (CIM)​. The seniors talked about the factors they considered while opting...

CE102 - Engineering Mechanics

Instructor Prof. Mandar M. Inamdar

The Branch Change Dilemma

Why Mech? Is Mech the right fit for you?

Where are they now?

Anish Ram Senathi 2019, RnD Engineer, Robotics and AI, Daikin Industries Ltd. He graduated last year and was interested in robotics and ML during his stay in IIT B. Some...

Category FAQS

The Branch Change Dilemma

Why Mech? Is Mech the right fit for you?

Category Non-Core

ITC Intern

Credits - Satyam Mishra, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Barclays Intern

Credits - Ashita Sharma, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

P&G Intern

Credits - Disha Pandey, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Adobe Intern

Credits - Gaurav Mishra, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2024

WhiteOak Capital Intern

Credits - Aum Samel, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2024

NRI Intern

Credits - Arushi Srivastava, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Bain Intern

Credits - Dhritiman Sriram, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Category human health

HS200 - Environmental Studies

Instructor Krishnan Narayanan, Ratikanta Panda, Raile Ziipao

ES200 - Environmental Science

Instructor Munish Kumar Chandel, Swatantra Pratap Singh, Virendra Sethi

Category ES

ES200 - Environmental Science

Instructor Munish Kumar Chandel, Swatantra Pratap Singh, Virendra Sethi

Category production planning

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

HS101 - Economics

Instructor Tara Shankar Shaw, Pushpa Trivedi

Category HS

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS448 - Professional Ethics

Instructor Prof. Vikram Singh Sirola

HS408 - Shakespearean Afterlives

Instructor Prof. Sudha Shastri

HS402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis

Instructor Saptarshi Ghosh

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Suryakant Waghmore

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Prof. Ahona Roy

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Profs. Sharmistha Saha, Sharmila, Suddhaseel Sen

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

HS200 - Environmental Studies

Instructor Krishnan Narayanan, Ratikanta Panda, Raile Ziipao

HS101 - Economics

Instructor Tara Shankar Shaw, Pushpa Trivedi

Category aerospace

AE248 - AI and Data Science

Instructor Prabhu Ramachandran

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Atul Srivastava

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Ankit Jain

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category artificial intelligence / machine learning

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME781 - Engineering Data Mining

Instructor Asim Tewari

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

DS303 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Biplab Banerjee

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

CS753 - Automatic Speech Recognition

Instructor Prof Preethi Jyothi

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Preethi Jyothi

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS228 - Logic for Computer Science

Instructor Prof. Krishna S.

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category control systems

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category mechanics

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prasanna Gandhi

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Dipanshu Bansal

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Atul Shrivastava

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Amit Agarwal

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category robotics

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category MA

MA214 - Numerical Analysis

Instructor Saikat Mazumdar

Category manufacturing and additive manufacturing

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Soham Mujumdar

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Prof. Pradeep Dixit

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Deepak Marla

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Amber Shrivastava

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Sushil Mishra

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Amol Anant Gokhale

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

Category structural analysis

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Sushil Mishra

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Amol Anant Gokhale

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

Category ME

Mechanical Dual Degree (Thermal and Fluid Engineering)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer-Aided Design and Automation)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

ME781 - Engineering Data Mining

Instructor Asim Tewari

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Abhilash Chandy

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME477 - Introduction to Optimization

Instructor Avinash Bharadwaj

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Atul Srivastava

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Ankit Jain

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Soham Mujumdar

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Prof. Pradeep Dixit

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Deepak Marla

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Amber Shrivastava

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prasanna Gandhi

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Dipanshu Bansal

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Atul Shrivastava

ME226 - Mechanical Measurements

Instructor Amit Agarwal

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Sushil Mishra

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Amol Anant Gokhale

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Rajendra P Vedula

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Atul Sharma

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Abhilash J. Chandy

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Shivasubraniam Gopalakrishnan

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Bhalchandra Puranik

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Parag Tandaiya

ME201 - Solid Mechanics

Instructor Krishna Jonnalagada

Category automotive

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prasanna Gandhi

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

Category computer aided design (cad)

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Salil Kulkarni

ME202 - Strength of Materials

Instructor Amit Singh

Category biotechnology

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (with BB Minor)

General Recommendations: Depending on your interests in the anatomy side versus the statistics and informatics side of computational biology, you can choose between the Digital Health and Biology minors. Nevertheless,...

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

BB415 - Cell and Molecular Biology

Instructor Swati Patankar

BB404 - Metabolism and Bioenergetics

Instructor Ashutosh Kumar

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

Category composites

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Sushil Mishra

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Amol Anant Gokhale

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

Category thermodynamics / heat transfer

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Atul Srivastava

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Ankit Jain

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Shivasubraniam Gopalakrishnan

ME209 - Thermodynamics

Instructor Bhalchandra Puranik

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Ramesh K Singh

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Rakesh G Mote

ME206 - Manufacturing Processes 1

Instructor Pradeep Dixit

Category fluid mechanics / dynamics

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Abhilash Chandy

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Sreedhara Sheshadri

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Atul Srivastava

ME346 - Heat Transfer

Instructor Ankit Jain

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Rajendra P Vedula

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Atul Sharma

ME219 - Fluid Mechanics

Instructor Abhilash J. Chandy

Category design

DE 250 - Design Thinking for Innovation

Instructor Prof. Nishant Sharma

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

DE414 - Innovation by Design

Instructor Battula K Chakravarthy

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Soham Mujumdar

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Prof. Pradeep Dixit

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Deepak Marla

ME338 - Manufacturing Processes II

Instructor Amber Shrivastava

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prasanna Gandhi

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Sushil Mishra

ME221 - Structural Materials

Instructor Amol Anant Gokhale

Category acoustics

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

Category automation

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Sripriya Ramamoorthy

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prasanna Gandhi

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

Category energy

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

EN613 - Nuclear Reactor Theory

Instructor Suneet Singh

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Upendra Bhandarkar

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajendra P Vedula

ME306 - Applied Thermodynamics

Instructor Balahandra Puranik

Category ergonomics

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME308 - IEOR

Instructor Avinash Bhardwaj, Makarand Kulkarni

Category autonomous systems

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

ME311 - Microprocessors and Automatic Control

Instructor Shashikanth Suryanarayanan, Abhishek Gupta

Category alc

Quantitative Finance (with SI or DS Minor)

General Recommendations: There are quite a few interesting courses offered by the Mathematics Department under the SI label. However, SI courses have very strict prerequisites, hence you’ll have to start...

Physics Minor

General Recommendations: This minor can cater to diverse sets of interests ranging from quantum mechanics to solid-state physics to astrophysics to relativity. You need to do 5 courses of 6...

Overambitious DS Minor

For those who may wish to complete their DS minor in 3 semesters to allow them to explore any other fields towards the later half of their degree.

Mechanical Dual Degree (Thermal and Fluid Engineering)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer-Aided Design and Automation)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

IEOR (with IEOR Minor)

General Recommendations: IEOR courses teach you how to tackle real-world problems using math, data, and logic. You’ll learn cool stuff like optimizing schedules, designing supply chains, and making processes faster...

Healthcare Informatics (with DH Minor)

General Recommendations: For the DH minor only the DH 302 (Introduction to Public Health Informatics) is compulsory. The courses are divided into three categories Group 1 (general BB, DH, ME),...

Enterpreneurship (with ENT Minor)

General Recommendations: If you are fascinated by start-ups and plan to work on a venture of your own or if you want to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur,...

Data Science/ Analytics (with DS Minor)

General Recommendations: This course plan is for those who would like to explore data science, analytics or machine learning as a tool in any other field, but don’t wish to...

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

The Chill Track (without a minor)

General Recommendations: Looking to complete electives (2 Stem + 2 DE + 2 Hasmed + 5 Open) with minimum effort? Agnostic towards the course content? Looking for courses with chill...

Chill DS Minor

For those who want to take up courses with relatively good grading and don’t have any serious plans to pursue data science as a career but rather to understand what...

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (with BB Minor)

General Recommendations: Depending on your interests in the anatomy side versus the statistics and informatics side of computational biology, you can choose between the Digital Health and Biology minors. Nevertheless,...

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

DE 250 - Design Thinking for Innovation

Instructor Prof. Nishant Sharma

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni

AE248 - AI and Data Science

Instructor Prabhu Ramachandran

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

MG401 - Marketing Management

Instructor Arti Kalro, Dinesh Sharma

ME781 - Engineering Data Mining

Instructor Asim Tewari

ME766 - High Performance Scientific Computing

Instructor Prof. Shivasubramanian Gopalakrishnan

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Abhilash Chandy

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

ME617 - Rapid Product Development

Instructor Prof Karunakaran

ME604 - Robotics

Instructor Abhishek Gupta

ME477 - Introduction to Optimization

Instructor Avinash Bharadwaj

ME420 - Cryogenic Engineering

Instructor Milind D Atrey

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS448 - Professional Ethics

Instructor Prof. Vikram Singh Sirola

HS408 - Shakespearean Afterlives

Instructor Prof. Sudha Shastri

HS402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis

Instructor Saptarshi Ghosh

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Profs. Sharmistha Saha, Sharmila, Suddhaseel Sen

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

ENT208 - Technology Venture Creation

Instructor Prof Rajen Jaswa

ENT205 - Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Milind D Atrey, R R Hirwani

ENT204 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

ENT201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor Anand T Kusre(Course Instructor), Milind D Atrey, Rajen Jaswa

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

DS303 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Biplab Banerjee

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

DE414 - Innovation by Design

Instructor Battula K Chakravarthy

CS753 - Automatic Speech Recognition

Instructor Prof Preethi Jyothi

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Preethi Jyothi

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

CE324 - Engineering Law

Instructor Milind Wankhede

BB415 - Cell and Molecular Biology

Instructor Swati Patankar

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

Category space mission design

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

Category AE

AE248 - AI and Data Science

Instructor Prabhu Ramachandran

AE706 - Computational Fluid Dynamics

Instructor J.C. Mandal

AE240 - Spaceflight Mechanics

Instructor Ashok Joshi

Category BB

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (with BB Minor)

General Recommendations: Depending on your interests in the anatomy side versus the statistics and informatics side of computational biology, you can choose between the Digital Health and Biology minors. Nevertheless,...

BB415 - Cell and Molecular Biology

Instructor Swati Patankar

BB404 - Metabolism and Bioenergetics

Instructor Ashutosh Kumar

Category law

CE324 - Engineering Law

Instructor Milind Wankhede

Category CE

CE324 - Engineering Law

Instructor Milind Wankhede

Category CL

CL603 - Optimization

Instructor Santosh Noronha

Category programming

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

Category computer science

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

Category CS

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Prof. Milind Sohoni

CS753 - Automatic Speech Recognition

Instructor Prof Preethi Jyothi

CS748 - Advances in Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Preethi Jyothi

CS419 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Prof. Abir De

CS228 - Logic for Computer Science

Instructor Prof. Krishna S.

CS224 - Computer Networks

Instructor Varsha Apte

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

CS213 - Data Structures and Algorithms

Instructor Sharat Chandran

Category cyber security

CS224 - Computer Networks

Instructor Varsha Apte

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

Category theoretical cs

CS218 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Instructor Abhiram Ranade

Category economics

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

MG405 - Project Management

Instructor Gajendra K. Adil

MG403 - Accounting and Finance

Instructor Varad Bapat and Rohan Chinchwadkar

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis

Instructor Saptarshi Ghosh

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category finance and management

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

MG405 - Project Management

Instructor Gajendra K. Adil

MG403 - Accounting and Finance

Instructor Varad Bapat and Rohan Chinchwadkar

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

HS457 - Managerial Economics

Instructor Prof. Surajit Bhattacharya

HS402 - Game Theory and Economic Analysis

Instructor Saptarshi Ghosh

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

CS747 - Foundations of Intelligent and Learning Agents

Instructor Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category DE

DE 250 - Design Thinking for Innovation

Instructor Prof. Nishant Sharma

DE414 - Innovation by Design

Instructor Battula K Chakravarthy

Category DS

Quantitative Finance (with SI or DS Minor)

General Recommendations: There are quite a few interesting courses offered by the Mathematics Department under the SI label. However, SI courses have very strict prerequisites, hence you’ll have to start...

Overambitious DS Minor

For those who may wish to complete their DS minor in 3 semesters to allow them to explore any other fields towards the later half of their degree.

Data Science/ Analytics (with DS Minor)

General Recommendations: This course plan is for those who would like to explore data science, analytics or machine learning as a tool in any other field, but don’t wish to...

Computer Science and AI (with Dual CS/DS Minor)

General Recommendations: What distinguishes this plan from the Analytics track is the depth and research-based approach to machine learning and related topics. Completing a dual CS/DS minor would be the...

Chill DS Minor

For those who want to take up courses with relatively good grading and don’t have any serious plans to pursue data science as a career but rather to understand what...

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Prof. Vinay Kulkarni

DS303 - Introduction to Machine Learning

Instructor Biplab Banerjee

DS203 - Programming for Data Science

Instructor Manjesh Hanawal, Amit Sethi, Sunita Sarawagi, S. Sudarshan

Category EE

EE221 - Digital Electronics

Instructor Prof. Vivek Agarwal

EE204 - Analog Circuits

Instructor Prof. Shalabh Gupta

Category EN

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

EN613 - Nuclear Reactor Theory

Instructor Suneet Singh

EN606 - Energy Resources, Economics and Environment

Instructor Prof Rangan Banerjee

Category systems and optimization

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

Instructor Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan

Category entrepreneurship

Enterpreneurship (with ENT Minor)

General Recommendations: If you are fascinated by start-ups and plan to work on a venture of your own or if you want to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur,...

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

ENT208 - Technology Venture Creation

Instructor Prof Rajen Jaswa

ENT205 - Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Milind D Atrey, R R Hirwani

ENT204 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

ENT201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor Anand T Kusre(Course Instructor), Milind D Atrey, Rajen Jaswa

Category ENT

Enterpreneurship (with ENT Minor)

General Recommendations: If you are fascinated by start-ups and plan to work on a venture of your own or if you want to get into the shoes of an entrepreneur,...

ENT208 - Technology Venture Creation

Instructor Prof Rajen Jaswa

ENT205 - Intellectual Property for Entrepreneurs

Instructor Milind D Atrey, R R Hirwani

ENT204 - Basic Proof of Concept

Instructor Kums P Kumaresan

ENT201 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship

Instructor Anand T Kusre(Course Instructor), Milind D Atrey, Rajen Jaswa

Category GNR

Category hss electives

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Suryakant Waghmore

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Prof. Ahona Roy

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Profs. Sharmistha Saha, Sharmila, Suddhaseel Sen

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

Category philosophy

HS301 - Philosophy

Instructor Ranjan Panda

Category liberal arts

HS448 - Professional Ethics

Instructor Prof. Vikram Singh Sirola

HS408 - Shakespearean Afterlives

Instructor Prof. Sudha Shastri

HS305 - Reading Literature

Instructor Profs. Sharmistha Saha, Sharmila, Suddhaseel Sen

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof. Pooja Purang

HS303 - Psychology

Instructor Prof Azizuddin Khan

Category humanities and social sciences

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Suryakant Waghmore

HS307 - Sociology

Instructor Prof. Ahona Roy

Category IE

IEOR (with IEOR Minor)

General Recommendations: IEOR courses teach you how to tackle real-world problems using math, data, and logic. You’ll learn cool stuff like optimizing schedules, designing supply chains, and making processes faster...

IE630 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis

Instructor Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE643 - Deep Learning

Instructor Balamurugan Palaniappan

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

IE501 - Optimization Models

Instructor Prof. Vishnu Narayanan

Category operations research

ME477 - Introduction to Optimization

Instructor Avinash Bharadwaj

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

Category operations management

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

Category supply chain management

IE503 - Operations Management

Instructor Prof. Jayendran Venkateswaran

Category nanotechnology

ME730 - Ultra Precision Machining

Instructor S.S. Joshi

ME494 - BTP I

Instructor Prof. Prasanna S Gandhi

Category joining

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

Category welding

ME636 - Advanced Joining Technology

Instructor Amitava De

Category math

Category materials

Category management/marketing

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

MG401 - Marketing Management

Instructor Arti Kalro, Dinesh Sharma

Category MG

Management and Finance (with MG Minor)

General Recommendations: The best way to explore finance using the limited courses (as of now) in the institute is by pursuing a management minor, as well as a few other...

MG405 - Project Management

Instructor Gajendra K. Adil

MG403 - Accounting and Finance

Instructor Varad Bapat and Rohan Chinchwadkar

MG401 - Marketing Management

Instructor Arti Kalro, Dinesh Sharma

Category physics

PH 223 - Complex Analysis

Instructor Dibyedu Das

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

Category cosmology

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

Category PH

Physics Minor

General Recommendations: This minor can cater to diverse sets of interests ranging from quantum mechanics to solid-state physics to astrophysics to relativity. You need to do 5 courses of 6...

PH556 - Astrophysics

Instructor Prof. Varun Bhalerao

Category SC

Computer Vision and Robotics (with SC/Robotics Minor)

General Recommendations: UG students pursuing a Minor in Robotics can choose to complete all theory courses (e.g., five six-credit courses) or a combination of four courses and a six-credit mini-project....

SC645 - Intelligent Feedback Control

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC631 - Games and Information

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC617 - Adaptive Control Theory

Instructor Prof. Sukumar Srikant

SC607 - Optimization

Instructor Ankur Kulkarni

SC601 - Modelling and Identification of Linear Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

SC301 - Linear and Nonlinear Systems

Instructor Prof. Arpita Sinha

SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems

Instructor Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj

Category BTP

Interdisciplinary B.Tech Project & an Honors degree at IIT Bombay

I am Siddharth Saha, Mechanical B.Tech graduate from the Batch of 2021. You can read about me and my projects here.

Category Research

Interdisciplinary B.Tech Project & an Honors degree at IIT Bombay

I am Siddharth Saha, Mechanical B.Tech graduate from the Batch of 2021. You can read about me and my projects here.

Category Minor

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

EE325 - Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Nikhil Karamchandani

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

AE153 - Introduction to aerospace engineering

Instructor Prof. A M Pradeep

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

ES601 - Environmental Health and Safety

Instructor Prof. Harish Phuleria

EE325 - Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Nikhil Karamchandani

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

AE153 - Introduction to aerospace engineering

Instructor Prof. A M Pradeep

Category Elective

SOM671- International Competitiveness

Instructor Prof. Kirankumar Momaya

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

PS625- Environment and Policy

Instructor Prof. NC Narayan, Prof. Ajay Deshpande

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME770 - Thermal Design of Electronics Equipment

Instructor Prof. Shankar Krishnan

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME651- Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bharadwaj

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

GNR603 - Principles of Remote Sensing

Instructor Alok Porwal

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

ES601 - Environmental Health and Safety

Instructor Prof. Harish Phuleria

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

Category Aircraft Dynamics and Control

Category Motion Planning

Category Robotics and Control

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category Manufacturing

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

Category Materials

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

Category Engineering Design

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

Category Product Design

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

BB610 - Biomedical microystems

Instructor Prof. Rohit Srivastava

SOM671- International Competitiveness

Instructor Prof. Kirankumar Momaya

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

PS625- Environment and Policy

Instructor Prof. NC Narayan, Prof. Ajay Deshpande

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME770 - Thermal Design of Electronics Equipment

Instructor Prof. Shankar Krishnan

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

ME651- Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bharadwaj

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prof. Tanmay Bhandarkar

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

ES601 - Environmental Health and Safety

Instructor Prof. Harish Phuleria

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

SOM671- International Competitiveness

Instructor Prof. Kirankumar Momaya

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

PS625- Environment and Policy

Instructor Prof. NC Narayan, Prof. Ajay Deshpande

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME770 - Thermal Design of Electronics Equipment

Instructor Prof. Shankar Krishnan

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

ME651- Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bharadwaj

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category Image processing

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

Category Reinforcement Learning

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category Machine Learning and AI

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

CS747 - Foundations of Learning and Intelligent Agents

Instructor Prof. Shivaram Kalyanakrishnan

Category Healthcare

DH302 - Introduction to Public Health Informatics

Instructor Prof. Kshitij Jadhav

Category Statistics

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

EE325 - Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Nikhil Karamchandani

Category Real Analysis

EE325 - Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Nikhil Karamchandani

Category Environment And Policy

PS625- Environment and Policy

Instructor Prof. NC Narayan, Prof. Ajay Deshpande

ES601 - Environmental Health and Safety

Instructor Prof. Harish Phuleria

Category Entrepreneurship

SOM671- International Competitiveness

Instructor Prof. Kirankumar Momaya

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

Category Education

ET621 - Basics of Educational Technology

Instructor Prof. Sahana Murthy

Category Photonics

GNR603 - Principles of Remote Sensing

Instructor Alok Porwal

Category Computer Vision

GNR650 - Deep Learning for Image Analysis

Instructor Prof. Biplab Banerjee

Category Dynamics and Control

SC649 - Embedded Control and Robotics

Instructor Prof. Leena Vachhani

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

ME316 - Kinematics and Dynamics of Machines

Instructor Prof. Tanmay Bhandarkar

Category Structural Engineering

Category Thermal and Fluids Engineering

ME770 - Thermal Design of Electronics Equipment

Instructor Prof. Shankar Krishnan

ME651- Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bharadwaj

Category Computational Engineering

Category Systems and Controls

ME639 - Linear Systems Theory

Instructor Prof. Vivek Sangwan

Category DD elective

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

ME679 - Micromechanics of Composites

Instructor Prof. Asim Tewari

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

ME651- Fluid Dynamics

Instructor Prof. Rajneesh Bharadwaj

Category Laser Optics

ME677 - Laser Material Processing

Instructor Prof. Deepak Marla

Category Probability

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

ME794 - Statistical Design of Experiments

Instructor Prof. Soham Mujumdar

Category Random Processes

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

Category Mathematical Rigor

SC629 - Introduction to Probability and Random Processes

Instructor Prof. Debasish Chatterjee

Category Management

SOM671- International Competitiveness

Instructor Prof. Kirankumar Momaya

Category insti elective

PH 223 - Complex Analysis

Instructor Dibyedu Das

Category Tech

Sony Intern

Credits - Shivesh Gupta, B.Tech, Mechanical Engineering 2025

Category DH

Healthcare Informatics (with DH Minor)

General Recommendations: For the DH minor only the DH 302 (Introduction to Public Health Informatics) is compulsory. The courses are divided into three categories Group 1 (general BB, DH, ME),...

Category core

Mechanical Dual Degree (Thermal and Fluid Engineering)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer Integrated Manufacturing)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...

Mechanical Dual Degree (Computer-Aided Design and Automation)

General Recommendations: This course track is designed so that a DD student completes their prescribed course requirements before the final year, leaving the final year for the DDP as well...