Mech DAMP Blog

ME637 - Manufacturing Automation

ME637 - Manufacturing Automation


Prof. Karunakaran


Spring ‘20

Course Difficulty


Time Commitment Required

2-3 hour time commitment in the first half of the course. Second half time commitment varies depending on the project undertaken.

Grading Policy and Statistics

Relative grading. AA-3, AB-8, BB-2, FR-1

Attendance Policy

Compulsory attendance else grade penalty may or may not be imposed.



Evaluation Scheme

50% for best of 5 out of 6 quizzes and 50% for project

Topics Covered in the Course

The course provides the critical tools to get started with product design and automation of manufacturing. Students will be expected to work on hands on real life project and may have to visit industries as well.

Teaching Style

The first half of quizzes is mostly self study and focuses on a quiz per week to quickly get the students acquainted with course content then followed by second half which is completely focused on project that involves applying the theory learned earlier.


Quizzes are quite easy but require a lot of reading and memorizing since there are a lot of things to learn rather than solve. The project are quite hands on and requires meeting up with Prof Karunakaran twice a week to ensure that actual work is being done. The instructor is very much passionate when it comes to the project and will oversee it throughout its entirety.

Feedback on Exams

No endsems and midsems. Quizzes cover most of the topics read and just requires a lot of memory power. A thorough read in an evening is enough to prepare for the 75 minute quiz and with access to previous year papers they become quite easy.

Motivation for taking this course

For students wanting to get into product development and study cases, this can be a great way to get started.

When to take this course?

8th semester. Ideal time would be taking it in 6th or 8th semester.

Review By: Kanishka Sunick