Mech DAMP Blog

SC625 - Systems Theory

SC625 - Systems Theory


Vivek Natarajan


Autumn ‘20

Course Difficulty

The course is somewhere between moderate to tough. It involves a lot of proofs, but the prof makes very good notes of the proofs. Evaluations are done solely on the basis of content covered in the lectures, and with regular attention, the course can be navigated without much difficulty.

Time Commitment Required

3-4 hrs/week

Grading Policy and Statistics


Attendance Policy




Topics Covered in the Course

Vector spaces, dimension, basis, subspaces, dual spaces, annihilators, direct sum, linear transformations, matrix representations, similarity, rank and nullity, a primer on linear systems - state-space models, minimal realization, controllability, observability

Teaching Style

Live lectures with recordings given later. The prof makes comprehensive notes, which are necessary and sufficient for the course.

Feedback on Exams

Closed notes. Consists of proofs, but nothing is outside what’s covered in the class. Direct questions are asked from the lecture notes.

Motivation for taking this course

Getting understanding of basic concepts in control theory.

How strongly would I recommend this course?

Very strongly, especially for someone with interests in control theory.

Review By: Pruthak Joshi