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EE101 - Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Circuits

EE101 - Introduction to Electrical and Electronics Circuits


Vivek Agrawal


Autumn ‘20

Course Difficulty

Course was conceptually a little difficult to understand, as it was only an introductory course and could not dive into the details of each topic. Still, attending or watching lectures helped understand the overall picture of each subtopic. From an exam point of view one can score well if they pay attention in the tutorials and understand the solutions properly.

Time Commitment Required

Apart from attending lectures and tutorials (which were held in lecture hours), an hour or two a week should suffice to go through the tutorial problems and solutions. They would also give frequent assignments which took quite a bit of time.

Grading Policy and Statistics

Generous grading policy. Lenient grading in assignments and exams as long as the method in the answer was properly followed according to the tutorial problems.

Attendance Policy

No attendance policy


No prerequisites. However knowledge of electronic components, signals, and circuit diagrams (KVL & KCL) would help.

Topics Covered in the Course

Introduction, basic physical laws, circuit elements, KVL, KCL, and a few important circuit theorems, simple circuits, Transients in R-L, R-C, R-L-C, Sinusoidal Steady State, Functional Characteristics of Diode, BJT, OP-AMP. Analog circuit Examples: rectifiers, amplifiers, oscillators etc. Digital Circuits: AND/OR gates, Flip Flops, DAC/ADC etc.

Teaching Style

Lectures and Tutorials


Moderate to difficult assignments. No projects.

Feedback on Exams

Quizzes, Midsemester and Endsem exams were moderate.

Course Importance

Important in any course where electrical circuits and electronics are used.

References Used

incent Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamental, Prentice Hall, 1989 K.A.Krishnamurthy and M.R.Raghuveer, Electrical and Electronics Engineering for Scientists’, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1993.

Review By: Hiya Gada