Mech DAMP Blog

CL444 - Safety in Chemical Industry

CL444 - Safety in Chemical Industry


Sandip Roy, Rahul Nabar


Autumn ‘21

Course Difficulty

Moderately difficult, slightly in easier side if attended regularly.

Time Commitment Required

6 hours per week is enough except for project. Project deadline was after the endsem, can be managed.

Grading Policy and Statistics

Good grading. Moderately generous.

Attendance Policy

No policy. But takes surprise quizzes if attendance is too low. Took 2 consecative tests just to increase the attendance.


No prerequisite. Chemical industry knowledge is an advantage.

Evaluation Scheme

Quizzes- 15 Project-18 Endsem- 42 Midsem- 25

Topics Covered in the Course

The safety and design in the chemical industry and its importance. Some of the basics of the mathematics done as well as the risk associated with it.

Teaching Style

Lectures in regular slots. Gave a book written by him as the reference. Mostly the questions were from the book material.


Project are of two types. The one I got was more of a webapp making project for safety which gives out an output for inputs given. The other type was literature review type project. No assignments. Tutorial taken as quizzes.

Feedback on Exams

They were mostly past year questions except for midsem and endsem. The level was moderate.

Motivation for taking this course

Good grading, peers in the chemical department.

Going Forward

Can further develop the project you are working on with the professor.

References Used

The book written by him and the slides for Prof Rahul’s part.

Other Remarks

Prof Rahul’s part is of 2 to 3 lectures and 1 quiz is taken for it. It is not asked in endsem.

Review By: Prasanna Vivek Telawane