Mech DAMP Blog

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis

EN618 - Energy System Modeling and analysis


Prof Santanu Bandyopadhyay, Prof Venkatasailanathan Ramadesigan


Autumn ‘20

Course Difficulty

Rigorous in terms of keeping up with syllabus but not with questions difficulty

Time Commitment Required


Grading Policy and Statistics

Relative Grading.AA-11, AB-7, BB-16, BC-6, CC-5, CD-6, DD-1, FR-4

Attendance Policy




Evaluation Scheme

5% Assignments, 15% Quizzes, 15% Midsem, 25% Project, 40% Endsem

Topics Covered in the Course

Course is quite problem solving based and requires students to be actively following along class as weekly quizzes are kept along with assignments. Project ensures what is learnt in class is applied and is inspected at multiple stages to ensure the authenticity of work done.
-Energy analysis.
-Modelling overview.
-Quantitative modeling techniques such as Interpolation, regression
-Systems Simulation
-Optimization: Linear and non linear programming

When to take this course?

8th semester. Can be taken whenever

EN 618 Review By: Kanishka Sunick