Mech DAMP Blog

EE221 - Digital Electronics

EE221 - Digital Electronics


Prof. Vivek Agarwal


Spring ‘21

Course Difficulty


Time Commitment Required

Class time study should be sufficient.

Grading Policy and Statistics

Average grading

Attendance Policy

No DX was awarded. Also, no regular class quizzes but we had 2 surprise quizzes in the whole semester.


No prerequisites. If you know Boolean algebra, that will help.

Topics Covered in the Course

The course starts with the basics of Boolean algebra, logic gates and Karnaugh Maps. Then comes the role of transistors and using them to build logic gates. This knowledge is then used to build combinational circuits. After that, sequential circuits are taught. This is followed by teaching adders, comparators, registers and counters. In the end, this knowledge is used to implement logic in problems.

Teaching Style

The lectures were helpful. The prof. has great knowledge and encourages a lot of doubts. He makes sure that there is no discrepancy in the understanding of students.


The project was very thought-provoking and used ModelSim.

Feedback on Exams

There were two quizzes, midsem, endsem and a project. All the papers were moderate. Only the first quiz can be classified to be on a much easier side. But the marking is lenient hence it’s not very tough to score.

Course Importance

You are likely to like the course if you like logic implementation and Boolean algebra. As I have already mentioned, it also helps you in your subsequent courses eg. EE101, ME311.

EE 221 Review By: Shruti Singh