ME613 - Finite Element and Boundary Element Methods

Parag Tandiya
There was only one section due to the limited number of students
Course Difficulty
Overall the course is moderately difficult. If you attend all the classes attentively you can easily get a AA/AB
Time Commitment Required
Apart from attending classes and doing assignments, you wouldn’t need to study extra for this course
If you complete all assignments before deadlines, he generally will give you good grades. His exams are not that tough so you don’t have to worry a lot about exams.
Attendance Policy
Institute policy applies i.e. 80%
Evaluation Scheme and Weightage
50%(Midsem(20) + Endsem(30)) + 50%( 3 assignments (10+10+30)) (PS: midsem/endsem ratio may vary)
Topics Covered in the Course
- One dimensional flows: Flows on the line, Flows on the circle, Bifurcations
- Two dimensional flows: Linear Systems, Phase Planes, Limit Cycles, Bifurcations
- Chaos (Was not included for any exam)
Mechanism of Instruction and Teaching Style
He teaches on the board and doesn’t use any slides. So, making notes is very important. You can always borrow notes but it’s always better to have personal notes.
Assignments and projects in the Course
Moderate, the assignment will include a viva during the presentation which I recommend you to prepare yourself for.
Both Endsem and midsem are relatively easy if you paid attention during the classes. (He may allow open book during midsem)
Importance of Course
You’ll get to know the working principle behind FEM simulation softwares and how to build them from scratch. This course doesn’t cover coding but the basic principles and methods.
Review by: Ujjwal Agarwal