The Chill Track (without a minor)
General Recommendations:
Looking to complete electives (2 Stem + 2 DE + 2 Hasmed + 5 Open) with minimum effort? Agnostic towards the course content? Looking for courses with chill grading statistics? This track is perfect for you! These are some courses that are reasonably popular for their minimal workload, lenient evaluation or both. This obviously comes with a disclaimer that these are purely based on historical statistics - there is no guarantee that all courses will be ‘chill’ for every future iteration! Note that you need to complete at least 2 MExxx courses, at least 2 courses marked as ‘Interdisciplinary Stem’, 2 Hasmed and 5 Open electives It is not necessarily recommended to choose all the courses recommended for a particular semester, please take your time commitments and the credit limits into consideration.
3rd Semester:
- ENT 603 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- GNR621 Natural Resources
4th Semester:
- ME766 High Performance Scientific Computing
- BB602 Research Philosophy
5th Semester:
- ME651 Fluid Dynamics (DE)
- DH302 Intro to Public Health Informatics
6th Semester:
- EN610 Hydrogen Energy
- ME673 Mathematical Methods for Engineering (DE)
7th Semester:
- CE324 Engineering Law
- IE503 Operations Analysis
- ME617 Rapid Product Development
- ME669 Design for Manufacturing
- ME735 Computer Graphics and Product Modelling
- ME781 Statistical Machine Learning and Data Mining
- MM719 Introduction to Ab-initio Methods in Materials Modelling
- HS436 Indian culture & Tradition
- US607 Sustainability Assessment of Urban Systems
8th Semester:
- BB610 Biomedical Microsystems
- GP516 Petroleum Geology and Petrophysics
- HS431 Reading Fiction
- ME712 Computer Numerical Control and Programming
- ME748 Computer-Aided Simulation of Machines
- US603 Research Methods in Urban Science
General recommendations: (Courses with good grading)
- GNR401 Remote sensing & Image Processing
- GNR605 Principles of Geoinformatic Systems
- GNR621 Natural Resources
- GP401 Global Geophysics
- ET601 Intro to Educational Technology
- ET612 Statistical methods for Educational Research
- DE431 Global Design Thoughts & Discourse
- BB553 Bioinformatics
- BB623 Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogenesis
- BB612 Cell Mechanics and Mechanobiology
- TD 626 Technology, Society and Development
- TD 634 Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS for Development Research
*** as recommended by seniors