BB610 - Biomedical microystems
Prof. Rohit Srivastava
Spring 2022-23
Course Difficulty
Difficulty:- Easy. Students can take this course in their third or fourth year.
Time commitment needed
Students have to commit 6-7 hours before the endsem exam. Apart from endsem, 8-10 hours for the course project.
Grading Statistics
Professor did absolute grading. AA - 86-100
AB - 76-85
BB - 66-75
BC - 56-65
CC - 46-55
CD - 36-45
DD - 29-36
Attendance Policy
Teaching Style
Weekly lectures were organised and professor taught the lectures via slides. Slides were uploaded on the Moodle for students reference.
Feedback on Assignments/ Tutorials/ Projects
Groups of 10-12 students were supposed to be formed for the course project. Topic was to be selected by the team itself. Professor set a timeline and checkpoints for the teams and a submission was required at each checkpoint to update professor on the project’s progress.
Feedback on Exams (Written Evaluation)
Endsem was completely objective with single and multiple correct options. The questions were based on what he taught in class and from the slides
Course Importance
If you are interested in or wants to explore MEMS domain(Micro-electromechanical systems), this course can serve as a good starting point.
Contact Details
Raj Kachhadiya - 9664659901