Mech DAMP Blog

AE153 - Introduction to aerospace engineering

AE153 - Introduction to aerospace engineering


Prof. A M Pradeep




Autumn 2023-24

Course Difficulty


Time commitment needed

Last minute studying is enough to get a BB+

Grading Statistics

Total Grades Given for section M are 20 AA 2 AB 2 BB 7 BC 3 CC 5 CD 1 Total 20

Attendance Policy

No attendance was mandatory

Teaching Style

Prof used slides which were decently detailed and easy to understand.

Feedback on Assignments/ Tutorials/ Projects

None of these were conducted

Feedback on Exams (Written Evaluation)

All quizzes were open notes and formula sheet was allowed in midsem and endsem. The exams were easy.

Future Tracks

It is a pre requisite for many aero courses and is a compulsory for aero minor.

Course Importance

It is a good introductory course

Additional Details

The course should ideally be done in sem 3 to open up other aero minor courses early on.

Written By

Yash Rampuria