SC202 - Signals and Feedback Systems
Bijnan Bandhopadhyay, P V Nataraj
Spring ‘21
Course Difficulty
The first half of the course is a breeze (Taught by Prof. Nataraj). The second part (taught by Prof. Bandhopadhyay) is involving but not difficult to understand. The exams were close notes and we had to memorize a few things which made it difficult, but overall very interesting and easy to understand.
Time Commitment Required
Apart from lectures, first half of the course does not require any extra effort. The second half would require more, about 1-2 hours a week.
Grading Policy and Statistics
Very generous. AA-8, AB-10, BB-11 out of total 37 students
Attendance Policy
Evaluation Scheme
Two-three quizzes conducted, a midsem and an endsem. Weightages are: 10% for quizzes and equal weightage splitted between midsem and endsem.
Topics Covered in the Course
Signals and systems and their interconnections
convolution, differential and difference equations
state variable models
Fourier, Laplace and z-transforms
regions of convergence
transfer function
linear feedback systems
stability problem, the Routh-Hurwitz and root locus method.
Teaching Style
Instruction was in the form of lectures and tutorials
Weekly tutorials in the second half. No projects or assignments.
Feedback on Exams
Exams were online, closed notes. We had to type the answer in Moodle which was tedious. Hopefully this course is taught offline :)
Motivation for taking this course
It is a compulsory course for minor degree. It is a very good introduction to control systems.
Course Importance
Very important if you want to take further courses in controls.
How strongly would I recommend this course?
For people who want to pursue controls, very.
When to take this course?
Fourth semester. That would be the most ideal time.
Going Forward
This forms the basis of controls, so you will be opened up to an entire new field.
SC 202 Review By: Hiya Gada