Mech DAMP Blog

ME663 - Advanced Heat Transfer

ME663 - Advanced Heat Transfer


Arunkumar Sridharan



Course Difficulty


Time Commitment Required

2-3 hours per week apart from class hours

Grading Policy and Statistics

Grading was decent. 1 AA, 4 ABs and 1 BB were awarded in a class of 17 students

Attendance Policy

None but it is highly recommended to attend lectures in order to grasp concepts well. Additionally being taught by Prof. Arun is a rewarding experience

Teaching Style

The prof. taught the Conduction section entirely using the blackboard however for convection and Radiation, he opted to use lecture slides


There were no tutorials or projects involved in the course. However there were 5 assignments for 2% weightage each. The assignments are lengthy and involve heavy calculation but are essential for gaining a good understanding of the course content which is quite mathematical in nature. Solving these assignments diligently will help one acquire a feel for the math and help save time during exams

Course Importance

ME663 is a strong theory course for building concepts and mathematical rigour for pursuing higher studies in Thermal and Fluids Engineering. ME219 and ME346 are pre-requisites for this course. The course delves into greater detail in Conduction and Convection than what is typically covered in ME346 however for Convection, ME662 is a better course to consider. This course is mandatory for Dual Degree TFE students.

Going Forward

After doing this course one can take up more advanced electives from the TFE bucket and the mathematical rigour developed will be useful if one wishes to pursue theoretical projects for their BTP/DDP

Review By: Ameya Halarnkar