Mech DAMP Blog

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics

ME651 - Fluid Dynamics


Rajneesh Bhardwaj



Course Difficulty


Time Commitment Required

None apart from class hours

Grading Policy and Statistics

Very good. Almost half the class was given a grade of 8 or above

Attendance Policy


Teaching Style

The prof utilized slides for delivering course content


There were no assignments in the course. A tutorial was conducted at the end of every subtopic where numericals were solved in class however attendance was not mandatory. The prof had offered students an option to do a course project as a substitute for Quiz 2. Several problem statements were given and the students were supposed to use COMSOL. A software training session was also conducted for the same.

Course Importance

This course will be useful for those who want to explore the domain of Thermal and Fluids Engineering. A lot of UG students end up taking this course because of the repetitive content so even if you are not a core enthusiast, it is recommended to do this course to complete your require MExxx electives. For Dual Degree students, this is course is a mandatory PG elective

Going Forward

Despite being a 6xx course this course is actually an introductory course on Fluid Dynamics with the content being similar to UG Fluid courses. This course is therefore a prerequisite to pursue another CFD, Multiphase flow or Heat transfer course

Review By: Ameya Halarnkar