Mech DAMP Blog

IE630 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis

IE630 - Simulation Modelling and Analysis


Jayendran Venkateswaran



Course Difficulty


Time Commitment Required

2 hrs a week can ensure a good grade

Grading Policy and Statistics

Lenient grading

Attendance Policy


Topics Covered in the Course

Comparting alternatives, drawing inferences is covered in the course along with Monte Carlo simulations and Discrete Event Simulations

Teaching Style

Prof. JV’s classes are very engaging. The prof. makes sure that everyone understands. The slides are detailed & uploaded on Moodle regularly. Feedback sessions for project work were held fortnightly by the prof. to check on progress made


The course had 70% weightage for course project with only 1 exam throughout the sem. Classes were split as theory (data analysis and design of experiments) and on Fridays, we did simulation examples on the Anylogic software. The course content was parallel to that week’s theme for project work. Every alternate week, each team had to present their work to the prof.

Motivation for taking this course

It is in the basket of 2 compulsory courses and is suggested to be taken before starting with IE electives.

Going Forward

IE 604: System Dynamics Modelling and Analysis

IE 503 Review By: Siddhi Deshpande