Mech DAMP Blog

HS634 - Theories of Verbal Cognition

HS634 - Theories of Verbal Cognition


Kulkarni A Malhar


Spring’ 20

Course Difficulty

The general concepts taught aren’t very difficult, though a large portion of the course requires Sanskrit knowledge

Time Commitment Required

1 hr per week

Grading Policy and Statistics

Grading is generous, 3 AAs out of 10

Attendance Policy



Sanskrit and specifically Paninian Grammar

Evaluation Scheme

Endsem, Midsem and 1 Assignment

Topics Covered in the Course

Discourse Analysis, Anaphora, Cognitive faculties of human being, types of cognition, features of verbal cognition, Significance of Verbal Cognition, Causes of verbal cognition. Nature of Verbal cognition according to Naiyayikas (Logicians), Meaning of the verbal root, meaning of suffixes, Simple sentence and complex sentences, problems in this view.Nature of Verbal cognition according to Mimamsakas (Hermeneuticians), concept of vidhi,concept of bhaavanaa, Kumaril’s view and Prabhakara’s view, problems in this view. Nature of Verbal cognition according to Vaiyakaranas (Gramamrians), concept of Word Permanancy, Word as a primary meaning of a word, Concept of Word universal. Application of these theories in Natural Language Proceesing of Sanskrit and other Indian Languages.

Teaching Style

Very Interactive

Feedback on Exams

Very Straightfoward

Motivation for taking this course

Sounded Cool

How strongly would I recommend this course?

No, not much to learn from the course

Review By: Abhishek Acharya