Mech DAMP Blog

EN411 - Physics for Energy Science

EN411 - Physics for Energy Science


Karthik Sasihithlu


Autumn 2021-22 (semester 7)

Course Difficulty

The course was moderate. Would recommend it for those of you who really enjoyed physics during JEE prep and also enjoyed Physics in the first year. Don’t worry, this course is not as difficult as PH107 and PH108. In fact, it touches upon alot of different topics in less depth rather than going deep and speceialized in a particular area. It is great to give a flavour of some basic Bsc and Msc topics. Solely for the love of Phyics and bypassing the difficulty of EP.

Time Commitment Required

The best thing about the course is that the professor has worked really hard and prepared separate notes in an online format apart from his class slides. These notes are completely comprehensive, well written, easy to understand and holistic. They are not voluminous and are very much succinct and to the point. This makes the course much easier to follow and understand, and eliminates the need to struggle and find other sources. All the exam questions can be pretty much directly sourced from these notes. This heavily reduces the time commitment required. The quantum mechanics and E&M parts can be breezed through with first year knowledge, and the remaining topics are just extenstions of class 11/12. The time you spend will solely depend on how deep you want to explore the subject.

Grading Policy and Statistics

The grading policy will be scary at first sight, but it is important to note that most of the students who take this course are PG’s from agriculture, policy, energy background, etc with no prior physics knowledge. Thus in the world of unpleasant RG, I’m sure a bright student like you won’t face much difficulty.

Attendance Policy

N/A - no attendance policy in the online semester


Appetite and Passion for Physics.

Evaluation Scheme

Weekly 10 minute MCQ quiz - very easy (20%)
three assignments - 3/4 questions each - 1 hour work (20%)
Midsem - (30%)
Endsem (only after midsem contents) - (30%)

Topics Covered in the Course


Teaching Style

Professor Karthik is very passionate about the subject and works very hard in class and externally as well to ensure all doubts are cleared. All digital notes are available for each class in full detail. In fact after every small weekly quiz also, the solutions are posted with step-by-step calculation and explanation. Sir answers all questions on the whatsapp group without fail.

Feedback on Exams

Very straightforward

Motivation for taking this course

Interest in physics as well as sustainable energy sources

How strongly would I recommend this course?


When to take this course?

7th semester

Review By: Shaurya Arora