EE636 - Matrix Computations
Debasattam Pal
Spring ‘20
Course Difficulty
The course is fairly intuitive and should be easy for someone who is interested in linear algebra.
Time Commitment Required
Watching lectures and solving homeworks should be enough to get a decent grade. On average , 2 hours per week outside lecture time should be enough.
Grading Policy and Statistics
Refer ASC
Attendance Policy
No policy enforced. Strongly encouraged to attend the classes though.
Linear Algebra
Evaluation Scheme
Homeworks - 20 , Quizzes - 20 , Midsem - 20 , Endsem - 40
Topics Covered in the Course
Gaussian Elimination , LU decomposition , Sensitivity of Linear Systems , Least Squares Problem , QR decomposition , Gram Schmidt Process , Singular Value Decomposition , Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors , QR algorithm
Teaching Style
Live lectures. Spent a considerable portion of every class in clearing doubts from previous lecture.
Homeworks contain questions from the textbook itself
When to take this course?
4th semester. 4th or 6th semester
References Used
Fundamentals of Matrix Computations by David Watkins
Review By: Arush Krishnasya Tadikonda