Mech DAMP Blog

EE204 - Analog Circuits

EE204 - Analog Circuits


Prof. Shalabh Gupta


Autumn ‘20

Course Difficulty

Moderate. Requires effort to be put in by students and self study.

Time Commitment Required

Class time and 2 hours per week.

Grading Policy and Statistics

As, I took it under a minor course, grading in my section was pretty average and not very harsh.

Attendance Policy

For us, regular class quizzes on SAFE was taken which had a good weightage.


Basics about transistors would help. If you have taken Electronics in your 11th-12th standard, this course should go very smooth for you.

Topics Covered in the Course

The official content is here: It is followed more or less with little content edged off due to time constraints. The course, broadly, can be divided into following modules:

The course will surely cover Operational Amplifiers, Frequency Response, Feedback, Filters, and non-linear devices like diodes, oscillators and MOSFETs.

Motivation for taking this course

The motivation of the course is that a student, at the end should :

Design and understand OPAMP and OPAMP based circuits with ease
Understand the capacitances involved with transistors and building various ckt representations, In-depth understanding of various amplifiers
Understand the various aspects of analog circuit design like feedback, frequency response, bode plots, stability criterias
Design and understand oscillators and active filters
More than this the course has many faces and introduces one to the broad aspects of practical electrical engg knowledge.
Course content and Structure:

References Used

MICROELECTRONIC CIRCUITS by Sedra, Smith and Chandorkar is concise book for the course, specifically if you believe in self study and not lectures.

EE 204 Review By: Shruti Singh