Mech DAMP Blog

CS218 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms

CS218 - Design & Analysis of Algorithms


Prof. Paritosh Pandya


Autumn’ 22

Course Difficulty

Overall the course is moderate. It is recommended to take it in the 3rd/4th year after completing CS213.

Time Commitment Required

It is recommended to attend all the lectures as Prof. Paritosh is a gem of a teacher. Apart from 3 hrs/week, studying a little bit before the exams should be enough.

Grading Policy and Statistics

Grading was lenient and most of the students got above BB.

Attendance Policy

No attendance policy was enforced.



Topics Covered in the Course

  1. Time & Space Complexity of Algorithms
  2. Understanding and building recursion
  3. P & NP problems
  4. Different Algorithms like Flow, Min-max, etc

Teaching Style

Sir used slides in the class which were quite descriptive. The teaching seemed somewhat monotonous, especially in the second half of the course as the topics became theory intensive. A couple of assignments were given and solved by the TAs in class.


2 Quizzes - 10% each Midsem - 30% Endsem - 50% 2 assignments were given for self-practice. They were quite useful as questions in the exams were quite related to the ones given in the assignments.

Feedback on Exams

The exams were subjective and were on the easier side with the Endsem being exceptionally harder.

Motivation for taking this course

This course was more on the theoretical side and focused on algorithm analysis. You may take some advanced algorithms courses in CS if you like this course.

Review By: Kalash Shah