CE324 - Engineering Law

Milind Wankhede
Spring ‘20
Course Difficulty
Quite chill, a very different kind of course, so it’s quite tough to compare with regular engineering courses.
Time Commitment Required
Not more than an hour a week in addition to regular lectures.
Grading Policy and Statistics
Exams are quite high-scoring, so it may be difficult to get an AA. With very minimal effort one can end up with a grade >= BB.
13 AAs, 10 ABs and 20 BBs out of 90.
Attendance Policy
Evaluation Scheme
Midsem - 30%
Endsem - 50%
Mock Arbitration - 20%
Topics Covered in the Course
The Indian Contract Act, 1872
Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Teaching Style
Classes were live on Microsoft Teams, the professor would explain the sections with real world cases. Lectures were interesting and certainly worth attending.
The mock arbitration is a novel idea. Pre-assigned groups of six were assigned a real-world case and had to don the hat of a defendant, respondent or an arbitrator. While this would’ve been more fun offline, it was still quite engaging in the online mode. It gave a brief idea of how legal arguments need to be posed.
Feedback on Exams
The exams were based on interpretation of various sections. This may involve a fair bit of memory, but the professor is very considerate and provides a list of sections from where questions will be asked, as well as model question papers. This makes it a lot easier than it would’ve been otherwise.
Motivation for taking this course
To try something different, a Law course at IITB, whoever thought about that!
Course Importance
Not really relevant to anything else in the institute, just a fun glimpse of what law is all about.
How strongly would I recommend this course?
Very strongly, it provides a very different experience compared to any other course you would ever take at IITB!
When to take this course?
6th Semester. The course runs every semester, so you can take it anytime, no particular preference!
Going Forward
Nothing really, although the professor does offer some BTP topics for further study.
References Used
www.indiacode.nic.in contains all the required sections and acts
CE 324 Review By: Aditya Iyengar